The Seahawks, led by defensive lineman Sheldon Richardson and defensive end Michael Bennett, tried to blow up the Jaguars’ victory formation. And since the Jaguars hadn’t gotten much of a chance to enjoy a victory formation prior to this season, the team took offense. In the ensuing scrum, Richardson threw a punch, and got himself ejected. Bennett drew an unnecessary roughness penalty, but remained in whatever was left of the game. And then it all got even worse. Pete Carroll got himself an unsportsmanlike conduct for leaving the sideline. Quinton Jefferson got ejected, but on the way out of the stadium, began jawing with Jacksonville fans, one of whom threw something from the stands. Jefferson then attempted to go into the stands, but was stopped by security, and the fact that the seats were 7 feet up. Read More…
Seahawks’ Jefferson charges at fans after Seattle cheap-shots Jags’ victory formation